A Case of Neonatal Suppurative Submandibular Sialadenitis: Complicated with Multiple Deep Neck Abscess. |
Yu Jin Jung, Chang Hyun Jung, Kyung Hoon Youn, Young Sil Park, Min Hyuk Ryu, Dong Jin Lee |
1Department of Pediatrics, Dongkang General Hospital, Ulsan, Korea. ryuhongja@hanmail.net 2Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Dongkang General Hospital, Ulsan, Korea. |
신생아 화농성 악하선염 1례: 다발성 심부 경부 농양으로 발전한 경우 |
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Abstract |
Isolated submandibular suppurative sialadenitis occurring in the neonatal period is extremely rare. At present, only 15 cases of isolated submandibular sialadenitis in the neonatal period have been reported in the literature. We report a rare case of multiple deep neck abscess in association with both submandibular suppurative sialadenitis in a term neonate. |
Key Words:
Submandibular sialadenitis; Deep neck abscess |