Author’s checklist
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- Author’s checklist
Detailed Korean version can be downloaded from website:
- □ Double-spaced text with 12-point font
- □ Manuscript sequence: title page, abstract and keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, references, table and figure legends; all pages are consecutively numbered starting with the title page
- □ Title page: article title, full names, academic degrees (include ORCID) and affiliations of all authors, ethical statement, author's contribution, address for correspondence (including telephone, fax, e-mail address), running title (less than 10 words), and footnotes, if any
- □ Abstract: structured (original article) or unstructured (case report), 250 words max; keywords following MeSH
- □ All table and figure numbers are specified in the text
- □ No abbreviations in the titles of tables; all nouns and adjectives have the first letter capitalized; abbreviations used in tables are spelled out in footnotes; all symbols follow the instructions provided
- □ Abbreviations: the whole term is given first (followed by the abbreviation in parentheses), and only the abbreviation is used thereafter
- □ There is a space between English text and parentheses; put a space between a numeral and a unit (except for % and °); the names of microorganisms and P are italicized
- □ All photographs are high quality; the content of each figure is written in English as a full sentence in the legend
- □ References are properly formatted; all references listed in the references section are cited in the text and vice versa
- □ Journal names are abbreviated according to Index Medicus; less than 40 references for original articles and less than 20 for case reports
- □ Only the first letter of the titles of works in the references are capitalized
- □ Cover letter: states that the material has not been published previously and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere; conflicts of interest, if any, are declared as well
- □ Each author has read the manuscript and agrees with the submission
- □ A copy of the manuscript checklist and the copyright transfer agreement are provided upon submission
- □ The English editing checklist should be submitted