Successful Treatment of Aortic Thrombosis after Umbilical Catheterization with Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin. |
Shin Hye Kim, Kyu Hyung Lee, Young Sun Wee, Gae Hyun Ahn |
Department of Pediatrics, Pochon CHA University, Sungnam, Korea. |
저분자량 헤파린으로 치료된 중심 동맥 도관 혈전증 1례 |
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Abstract |
Aortic thrombosis is one of the common complications caused by umblical cord catheterization. There are three treatment options for aortic thrombosis:anticoagulation, thrombolysis, surgery. Low-molecular-weight heparin has several advantages over unfractionized heparin in the treatment of thrombosis.
However, there is limited experience on using low-molecular-weight heparin in children, especially in the newborns. We experienced a case of aortic thrombosis caused by umbilical cord catheterization, which was successfully treated with low-molecular-weight heparin. |
Key Words:
Aortic thrombosis; Neonate; Low-molecular-weight heparin |