Neonatal Med > Volume 29(4); 2022 > Article |
Ethical statement
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (IRB approval number: B-2206-763-701), and written informed consent was obtained from the patient’s parents. The patient’ parents provided informed consents for the publication of the present report.
Study | Gender/Cons | Origin | BRAT1 mutation |
Micr |
Hypertonia | Seizure onset | Seizure type | EEG pattern (timing of examination) | Initial MRI (timing of examination) | Age at death | |
At birth | Prog. | ||||||||||
Puffenberger et al. (2012) [1] (family, n=3) | NK | Amish | Homozygous c.638_639 insA, p.(Val214Glyfs* 189) | + | + | + | Soon after birth | Focal jerks of the tongue, face, and arms | Bilateral medium-high voltage spikes over the temporal and central regions, frequent multifocal seizures, background slowing, and no posterior rhythm (NK) | Normal or mild hypoplasia of the frontal lobes (NK) | <4 mo |
Saunders et al. (2012) [18] (n=1) | F/+ | Mexican | Homozygous c.453_454 insATCTT CTC, p.(Leu1 52Il efs *70) | + | NK | + | Soon after birth | NA | Focal epileptiform and sharp wave activity (1 d) | Normal (1 d) | NK |
Saitsu et al. (2014) [4] (family, n=2) | F/– | Japanese | Compound Heterozygous c.176T>C, p.(Leu59Pro); c.962_963del ,p.(Leu321 Profs*81) | – | + | + | 7 d | Generalized tonicclonic and myoclonic seizures of the limbs and face | Generalized tonicclonic and myo clonic seizures of the limbs and face | Progressive cerebral and cerebellar atrophy (4 mo) | 1 yr 9 mo |
F/– | – | + | + | 1 d | Myoclonic, clonic, and tonic seizures | Myoclonic, clonic, and tonic sei zures | Mild cerebral, cerebellar atrophy, and delayed myelination (3 mo) | 3 mo | |||
Straussberg et al. (2015) [17] (family, n=2) | F/+ | Arabic | Homozygous c.1173delG, p.(Leu391fs) | NK | + | + | 1 d | Myoclonic | Sharp waves and bilateral spikes predominantly over the right he misphere (NK) | Normal (NK) | 5 mo |
M/+ | – | – | + | 1 d | Myoclonic | Bilateral epileptic activity with bilateral discharges (NK) | Normal (NK) | 6 mo | |||
van de Pol et al. (2015) [16] (family, n=3) | M/+ | Moroccan | Homozygous c.638dup, p. (Val214Glyfs*189) | – | – | + | 1 mo | Tonic, clonic | Severely abnormal background pattern with multifocal sharp waves, and frequent multifocal epileptic seizure activity (NK) | Rather small cerebellum and brainstem (7 wk) | 3.5 mo |
F/+ | – | + | + | 1 mo | Eye blinking, myoclonus of the left hand | Continuous abnormal backgro und pattern, multifocal activity (NK) | Normal (2 mo) | 17 mo | |||
M/+ | – | + | + | 1 mo | Tonic, myoclonic | Burstsuppression pattern with long suppressions (10–15 sec), multifocal negative sharp waves (6 wk) | NA | 2 mo | |||
Horn et al. (2016) [15] (n=1) | M/– | German | Compound heterozygous c.638_639insA, p.(Val214 Glyfs*189) c.1134+1G>A | – | + | + | 1 d | Myoclonic | Diffuse slowing, bilateral spikes, and partly a burstsuppression pattern, epilepsia partialis continua (NK) | Normal (NK) | 2 mo |
Smith et al. (2016) [14] (n=1) | M/– | NA | Compound heterozygous c.1857G>A; p.(Trp619*); c.2125_2128delTTTG, p.(Phe709Thrfs*17) | – | + | + | 4 mo | Facial myoclonus, focal dyscongnitive, and secondarily generalized seizures | Bilateral multifocal epileptiform activity with frequent clinical and electrographic seizures (NK) | Normal (2 mo) | 15 mo |
Celik et al. (2017) [13] (n=1) | M/+ | Turkish | Homozygous c.2230_2237 dupAACACTGC, p.(Ser 747Thrfs*36) | – | + | + | NK | Myoclonic seizures of the limbs and face | Background activity of 4–6 Hz theta, bilateral frontotemporal sharp waves, and 8–10 Hz ictal rhythm during clinical seizures (27 d) | Normal (soon after birth) | 10 mo |
Hegde et al. (2017) [12] (n=1) | F/+ | Indian/Muslim | Homozygous c.617T >A, p. (Leu206*) | NK | + | + | 3 d | Clonic seizures, eye blinks, and mouth movements, migrating partial epilepsy of infancy | Clinical and subclinical seizures with migrating variable focus over both hemispheres (56 d) | Mild ventriculomegaly with prominent subarachnoid spaces (7 d) | 4 mo |
Szymanska et al. (2018) [10] (family, n=2) | F/– | NK | Homozygous c.1313_131 4delAG, p.(Gln438fs) | NA | NA | + | 1 d | Myoclonic | NA | Brain atrophy with a pro nounced white matter vol ume loss, thinning of the corpus callosum (5 mo) | 6 mo |
M/– | NK | + | + | 1 d | Myoclonus, clonic and tonic seizures | Generalized and focal sharp and spike waves (NK) | Widened subarachnoid space (2 wk) | 12 mo | |||
Van Ommeren et al. (2018) [3] (n=1) | F/– | Chinese | Homozygous c.1395G>C, p.(Thr465Thr) | NA | + | + | 1 d | Myoclonic | Diffuse encephalopathy, with fre quent ictal activity from multiple cortical areas (1 d) | Small head, small brain, and mild prominence of pericerebral extraaxial space (3 d) | 10 wk |
Colak et al. (2020) [9] (n=1) | M/+ | Turkish | Homozygous c.1499-1G>T | – | + | – | 1 d | Myoclonic | Generalized epileptiform activity, migrating focal epileptiform ac tivity (2 mo) | Atrophic corpus callosum, hypomyelination, cortical laminar necrosis in both occipital and superior parietal lobes, brainstem and cerebellar vermis hy poplasia (NK) | 7.5 mo |
Scheffer et al. (2020) [8] (family no. 4, n=5) | F/– | Fillipino/Irish | Compound heterozygous c.964C>T, p.(Gln322*); c.2284C>T, p.(Gln762*) | + | + | + | 1 d | Focal motor seizures, migrating between hemispheres | Multifocal epileptiform discharges, migrating focal seizures (NK) | Asymmetric T2 signal in deep posterior parietal white matter bilaterally likely due to white matter oedema (3 d) | 34 d |
F/– | + | + | + | 1 d | Focal clonic seizures migrating between hemispheres | Multifocal epileptiform discharges, migrating focal seizures (NK) | Mild thinning of corpus callosum (2 d) | 10 mo | |||
F/+ | Pakistani | Homozygous c.1498+1G>A | + | + | + | 1 d | Focal, multifocal motor seizures with clonic features, often epileptic spasms; tonic seizures | Multifocal epileptiform discharges, migrating focal seizures, epileptic spasms and periodic spasms, hypsarrhythmia (NK) | Very small hemosiderin deposition within lateral ventricles (1 mo) | 4 yr 3 mo | |
M/+ | Caucasian | Homozygous: c.1120G>T, p.(Glu374*) | – | + | + | 4 d | Myoclonic, focal clonic seizures | Multifocal epileptiform discharges, myoclonic seizures; focal clonic seizures migrating between he mispheres (NK) | Small subacute subdural hemorrhage along tento rium with left parietal bone cephalhematoma (17 d) | 2 mo | |
F/– | Chinese | Compound heterozygous c.1359_1361delCCT,p.(Leu454del);c.1395G>C, p.(Thr465Thr) | + | + | + | Soon after birth | Myoclonic, migrating focal clonic seizures | Multifocal epileptiform discharges, migrating focal seizures (NK) | Small right occipital sub dural hemorrhage (3 d) | 14 mo | |
Li et al. (2022) [7] (n=1) | F/– | Chinese | Homozygous c.233G >C, p.(Arg78Pro) | – | + | + | 1 mo | Myoclonic | Focal sharp wave discharges and spike and slow wave complex in the foreheadtemporal region (NK) | Widened bilateral frontal and temporal subarach noid space (NK) | 7 mo |
Pourahmadi yan et al. (2021) [6] (n=1) | M/NK | Iranian | Homozygous c.2041G> T, p.(E681*) | + | NA | + | Soon after birth | Focal seizure | NA | NA | 6 d |
Present case (n=1) | F/– | Korean | Heterozygous c.1276C>T p.(Gln426*);c.1313_1314 delAG, p.(Gln438Argfs*51) | – | Prog. Micr | + | Soon after birth | Generalized spasticity with hypertonia, refractory focal seizures | Normal (1 d), repetitive medium tohigh voltage sharp wave dis charges from right central region evolving to the right hemisphere (35 d) | Diffusely decreased volu me of the cerebrum with markedly prominent subarachnoid space and operculum widening with normal myelination (1 d) | 4 mo |
Reproduced from Colak et al. [9], with permission from Springer Nature.
Abbreviations: BRAT1, breast cancer 1-associated ataxia telangiectasia mutated activation-1 protein; Cons, consanguinity; Micr, microcephaly; EEG, electroencephalogram; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NK, not known; NA, not assessed; Prog, progressive.