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Volume 14(2); Nov 2007 |
Original Articles
- The Effects of Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Alveolarization Inhibition Induced by Hyperoxia in Neonatal Rat.
Chang Won Choi, Beyong Il Kim, In Suk Lim, Hyun Joo Lee, Kyoung Eun Joung, Gyu Hong Shim, Jin A Lee, Ee Kyung Kim, Han Suk Kim, Jung Hwan Choi
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 2007;14(2):153-161. Published online November 1, 2007
- A Comparison of Necrotizing Enterocolitis and Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation in Preterm infant.
Jae Ri Kim, Narimi Park, Seung Han Shin, Ji Youn Na, Hyun Ju Lee, Kyoung Eun Joung, Gyu Hong Shim, Jin A Lee, Chang Won Choi, Ee Kyung Kim, Han Suk Kim, Beyong Il Kim, Jung Hwan Choi
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 2007;14(2):178-186. Published online November 1, 2007
Randomized Controlled Trial
Original Articles
- Changes in the Outcomes of Very Low Birth Weight Infants in Busan Area.
Sheng Wen Wang, Young Ah Lee, Soo Eun Park, Jong Beom Shin, Yoo Rha Hong, Ji Jeon Park, Jung A Lee, Sang Hee Son, Soon Ok Byun, Jung Pyo Kim
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 2007;14(2):206-214. Published online November 1, 2007
Case Reports
- A Case of Addition of Chromosome 3 associated with Multiple Anomalies.
Min Ae Suh, Hyun Ju Lee, Hye Jin Park, Kye Hyang Lee, Gyeong Hoon Lee, Eun Jin Choi, Jin Kyung Kim, Hai Lee Chung, Eok Su Seo, Woo Taek Kim
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 2007;14(2):237-242. Published online November 1, 2007
- A Case of Prader-Willi Syndrome with an Unusually Large 15q Deletion Due to an Unbalanced Translocation to Chromosome 2 45,XX,-15, der(2) t(2;15)(q37:q13).
Jong Kwon Kim, Hyun Paek, Eun Jung Yoo, Kwon Jung, Kyu Keun Sun, Eun Young Kim, Kyoung Sim Kim, Yong Wook Kim, Yoon Sik Kim
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 2007;14(2):247-252. Published online November 1, 2007