A Study of Reliability of Tympanic Temperature Measurement Using Infrared Thermometer ( Home Model ) in Neonates. |
Young Do Lee, Jina Son, Jae Wook Go, Jae Yoon Kim, Don Hee Ahn, Eun Kyung Lee |
1Department of Pediatrics, National Medical Center. 2Pocheon-Jungmoon College of Medicine, Gangnam-Cha's Hospital, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
PURPOSE Taking an accurate and rapid body temperature can give a valuable information when taking care of neonates.
The purpose of this study is to compare the reliability of taking rapid and less complicated means of measuring body temperature at tympanic membrane by infrared tympanic thermometer(Thermoscan IRT 1020, type 60005711, home model) with the standard method of taking body temperature at axilla and rectum by mercury thermometer. METHODS Simultaneous rneasurements of tympanic membrane and axillary temperatures were taken followed by rectal temperatures within 5 minutes by 2 different investigators from 107 term infants One investigator measured tympanic membrane temperature by infrared tyrnpanic thermometer for 3 times and took the highest temperature as a final measurement and the other investigator took the axillary temperature for at least 5 minutes and rectal temperature for at least 2 minutes on each patient. RESULTS Total of 107 term infants including 57 males and 50 females were subjects, The average body temperatures were 36.7+/-0.3degree, 37.0+/-0.4degree, 36.6+/-0.3degree for axillary, reactal and tympanic membrane, respectively. The correlation coefficients between axillary, rectal and tympanic temperature measurements were high at r=0.746- 0.804 and were statistically significant at P<0.001. CONCLUSION We have shown from this study that taking tympanic membrane temperature can be used as an altemative and reliable means of taking body temperature in place of taking axillary and rectal temperature in neonates. |
Key Words:
Tympanic membrane temperature; Thermometer |