A Case of Hemophilia A Diagnosed in a Premature Infant. |
Ki Won Oh, Kyung Yeon Lee, Ja Hyeong Kim, Kang Won Rhee, Jin Young Jeong, Sang Kyu Park |
Department of Pediatrics, Ulsan University Hospital, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Ulsan, Korea. pentawish@hanmail.net |
미숙아에서 진단된 혈우병 A 1례 |
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Abstract |
Although the majority of abnormal bleeding during the neonatal period results from acquired coagulation disorders, inherited coagulation disorders can also manifest at this time. Hemophilia is the most common of inherited coagulation disorder. Although 40-70% of cases with hemophilia are diagnosed in the neonatal period, few cases have been reported in premature infants. We report a case of a premature infant born at 31 weeks of gestation, diagnosed with hemophilia A by blood coagulation test, coagulation factor assay and study of the F8 gene. The baby was treated with recombinant factor VIII (Recombinate(R), USA) because of repeated seizures and intramuscular hematoma. |
Key Words:
Hemophilia A; Preterm; Infant; Recombinant factor VIII |