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Volume 1(2); Nov 1994
Original Articles
Respiratory Morbidity, Growth, and Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
In Kyung Sung, M.D., So Young Kim, M.D., Chung Sik Chun, M.D. and Sung Hoon Cho, M.D.
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):93-101.
Early Detection of White Matter Lesion in Premature Infants
Kook In Park, M.D., Hye Jung Joo, M.D., Ran Namgung, M.D., Chul Lee, M.D. and Dong Gwan Han, M.D.
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):102-110.
Risk Factors of the Outcome in the Neonates with Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension
Woong Heum Kim, M.D., Yong Hoo Jun,M.D. and Chong Ku Yun, M.D.
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):111-119.
Early Postnatal Dexamethasone Treatment in Neonates with Respiratory Distress Syndrome(RDS)
Hyeon-Gon Kim, M.D. and Sang-Hyun Byun, M.D.
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):120-129.
Clinical Observation of the Neonates Born to Mothers with Thyroid dysfunctions
Mi-Young Han, M.D., Dong-Jin Choi, M.D., Chong-Woo Bae, M.D., Sa-Jun Chung, M.D., and Yong-Mook Choi, M.D.
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):130-137.
A Clinical Observation on 34 Cases of Congenital Small Intestinal Obstuction
Kwang Hae Choi, M.D., Son Moon Shin, M.D. and Young Soo Huh, M.D*
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):138-144.
Cord Serum interleukin-6: A Useful Diagnostic Tool in Early Neonatal Sepsis?
Min Soo Park, M.D., Moon Sung Park, M.D., Kook In Park, M D. Ran Namgung, M.D., Chul Lee, M.D. and Dong Gwan Han, M.D.
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):145-152.
Risk of Neonatal Bacterial Infection in Full-term Infants with Unexplained Hyperbilirubinemia
Soo Jin Cheong, M.D., Woo Jin Lee, M.D., Chang Hee Han, M.D. Hae Woon Chang, M.D. and Ki Ho Kim, M.D.
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):153-158.
Effect of Skinfold Thickness on Transcutaneous Bilirubinometry
Woong Heum Kim, M.D., Hye Won Park, M.D., Hee Ju Kim, M.D. and Young Pyo Chang,M.D*.
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):158-163.
PCVC (Percutaneous Central Venous Catheterization) and SCVC (Surgically-placed Central Venous Catheterization) in Neonatal Intensive Care
Mi Jung Kim, M.D., Yong Hoon Jun, M.D.. Yun Sil Chang, M.D., Seong Won Yang, M.D., Mee Wha Kim, M.D., Dong Woo Son,M.D., Beyong Il Kim, M.D., Jung Hwan Choi, M.D., Chong Ku Yun, M.D. and Kwi Won Park, M.D.*, Hae Kyung Han, M.D., Mi Ryung Urn, M.D., Kyung
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):164-174.
Case Reports
A Case of Congenital Tuberculosis
Young Jun Kim, M.D., Sang Wook Park, M.D., Bon Soo Koo,M.D., Jae Hong Park, M.D. and Soo Young Kim, M.D
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):175-179.
A Case of Incontinentia Pigmenti Associated with Retinal Detachment of Right Eye
Tae Hee Park, M.D., Soo Hee Chang, M.D., Soo Chul Cho,M.D., Jung Soo Kim, M.D., Nam Chun Cho, M.D.*, Hyo Sook Ahn, M.D* and Chul Wan Ihm,M.D **
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):180-184.
Two Cases of Hemolytic Disease of Newborn due to Anti-E
Eun Ju Jeong, M.D., Yeon Mi Park, M.D.,* Seong Sook Jeon, M.D. and, Sang Seo Son, M.D.
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):185-195.
A Case of Systemic air Embolism in a Newborn Infant
Houng Soung, M.D., Young Ill Park, M.D. and Churl Young Chung, M.D.
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):191-195.
A Case of Jejunal Infarction as a Complication of Umbilical Artery Catheterization
Soo Jung Suh, M.D., Jae Yoon Kim, M.D. and Young Jin Hong, M.D.
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1994;1(2):196-199.


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