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Volume 6(2); Nov 1999
Randomized Controlled Trial
Comparison of the Clinical Effects of the Different Ventilatory Care Strategies in the Neonates with Acute Respiratory Failure: High Flow Rate - Constant Flow Rate.
June Dong Park, Beyng Il Kim, Jung Hwan Choi
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):145-153.   Published online January 1, 2001
Original Articles
Comparison of Synthetic Surfactant with Modified Bovine Surfactant in Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
Eun Kyung Lee, Yong See Jun, Won Soon Park
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):154-161.   Published online January 1, 2001
Prognostic Factors in Premature Infants with Pulmonary Hemorrhage occuring after Surfactant Replacement.
Jae Cheol Oh, Hee Seop Kim, Hann Tchah, Ho Jin Park
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):162-170.   Published online January 1, 2001
Ideal Placement for Endotracheal Intubation in Newborn Infants.
Han Wook Kim, Hyun Sang Cho, Ki Sik Min, Jong Wan Kim, Ki Yang Ryoo
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):171-177.   Published online January 1, 2001
The Effect of Prenatal Dexamethasone Treatment on Pulmonary Antioxidant System in Newborn Rats during Prolonged High O2 Exposure.
In Kyung Sung, So Young Kim
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):178-185.   Published online January 1, 2001
Change in Granulocyte - Macrophage Colony - Stimulating Factor in Neonatal Infection.
Mea Young Chang, Sang Hyun Byun
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):186-192.   Published online January 1, 2001
Clinical Comparison of Neonatal Urinary Tract Infection Caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae Versus Non - klebsiella pneumoniae.
Byeong Il Lim, Hyeon Jeong Cho, Ji Yeon Hong, Woo Ki Lee, Kwang Woo Kim
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):193-200.   Published online January 1, 2001
The Usefulness of the CRIB ( Clinical Risk Index for Babies ) Score as a Prognostic Indicator in the Very Low Birth weight Infants.
Jung Hye Kwon, Beyng Il Kim, Jung Hwan Choi, Chong Ku Yun
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):201-207.   Published online January 1, 2001
Hypoxic - ischemic Encephalopathy in Term Infants: Correlation of Neurosonographic Findings in Basal Ganglia and Thalamus with Prognosis.
Chun Sik Youn, Woo Cheol Kwon, Myung Joon Kim, Gwang Hoon Lee, Kook In Park, Min Park, Joon Soo Lee
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):208-216.   Published online January 1, 2001
Aortic Thrombosis in Neonate Associated with Umbilical Artery Catheterization: Clinical Manifestations and Thalamus with Prognosis.
Choon Sik Youn, Myung Joon Kim, Min Soo Park, Kook In Park
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):217-224.   Published online January 1, 2001
Radiologic Localization and Lengths of Umbilical Artery Catheter to Major Aortic Branches Determined by Ultrasonography in Neonates.
Byoung Min Choi, Hae Won Cheon, Kee Hwan Yoo, Young Sook Hong, Joo Won Lee, Soon Kyum Kim
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):225-233.   Published online January 1, 2001
Factors Associated with Cord Blood Leptin Concentration of Full - Term and Preterm Newboms.
Sang Hyun Oh, Eun Young Kim, Young Ill Rho, Sang Kee Park
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):234-241.   Published online January 1, 2001
Case Reports
Two Cases of Prenatally Diagnosed Acardiac Twin.
Young Joon Ahn, Eun Young Kim, Young Il Rho, Sang Kee Park, Chang Hoon Song, Sung Chul Lim
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):242-248.   Published online January 1, 2001
A Case of Triple X Syndrome.
Jung Hyun Kim, Kyung Tae Hwang, Kyong Og Ko, Eun Ju Kim, Yun Duk Yoo
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):249-252.   Published online January 1, 2001
A case of Idiopathic Neonatal Chylothorax Treated with Thoracostomy and Medium Chain Triglyceride - Containing Diet.
Kyu Dong Cha, Yoon Jung Cho, Sang Lak Lee
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):253-257.   Published online January 1, 2001
A Case of Neonatal Massive Pulmonary Heomorrhage Treated With Pulmonary Surfactant Replacement.
Yoon Jung Cho, Hee Jung Lee, Sang Lak Lee
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):258-262.   Published online January 1, 2001
A Case of Congenital Long OT Syndrome with Pseudo - Atrioventricular Block.
Kyoung Hi Jeon, Yong Woon Back, Hyun Kee Chung, Tae Jun Cha, Sung Rae Cho
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):263-267.   Published online January 1, 2001
A Case of Hemolytic Disease of the Newborm due to Anti - Dib Antibody.
Min Hyang Park, Jina Son, Jae Wook Go, Jae Yoon Kim, Don Hee Ahn, Duck An Kim
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):268-271.   Published online January 1, 2001
A Case of Matemal Hemorrhage.
Ji Woong Choi, Jae Hwa Oh, Jung Eun Seok, Young Jin Lee, Yeon Kyun Oh
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):272-275.   Published online January 1, 2001
A Case of Alloimmune Neonatal Neutropenia.
Yong Hee Lee, Ji Eun Lee, Jun Ho Huh, Oh Hyuk Kwon, Ae Suk Kim
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):276-279.   Published online January 1, 2001
A Case of Citrullinemia Controlled by Diet and Arginine.
Eun Young Jeong, Seong Sook Jeon, Son Sang Seo
J Korean Soc Neonatol.. 1999;6(2):280-280.   Published online January 1, 2001


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